Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Our BUSY weekend!

This was probably one of our busiest weekend of the year filled with nonstop fun! Friday night started out at the Holi Festival with live music, and a chalk party which the kids loved!

Saturday morning we headed over to Dublin for the St. Patrick's Parade to be in with Brandon's school. We had a great time and the weather was in the 70s at 9am!

 Brandon practicing his "animal walks"   (OT exercise)

 Brandon walked the whole time with the school therapy dog, "Hope"

 That afternoon Karly went to her friends 3rd birthday party and played hard with her best friends from school. These girls have been together since they were ONE years old.
Sunday morning we went to a birthday party for Brandon's classmate

Brandon and Jane have been friends since they were 3

We ended the weekend with a playdate at the park in the 80 degree weather! It was a great weekend and exhausting!

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