Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Long Delay....

This is the longest delay in my blogging. We've been so busy since the new year. It's been hard to keep up with our daily routine, by the evenings I'm ready to crash when the kids are! And tonight of all nights, I'm updating the blog on daylight savings when we lose an hour of sleep, I'll be regretting this in the morning! But this has been neglected long enough and it's been bothering me! I've pulled a bunch of photos from my phone in the last 3 months in no particular order just to capture memories..
 We've had amazing weather in 2014 hardly a winter. As much as we can on the weekends we try to get out and go on a "hike" the kids love it and the fresh air is good for all of us!

 Presidents day we went to Monterey Bay Aquarium and to the beach, a beautiful day in the 60s perfect for playing in the sand!

 Special mommy/Brandon Friday morning breakfast at Safeway Starbucks before school!

Tuckered out after a day at the Zoo
 Play date at the park with classmates

San Diego with Daddy
 Sick little boy
 Paging Dr Karly

 Sporty Kary

 Big girl Bed!! Potty Trained! 
Sick Kar Kar
 Happy Hollow our favorite place in San Jose

 Superbowl Sunday

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