Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter at home!  Brandon woke up extra early, 5:30am so it was a long busy day! We decided to invite some of Brandon's friends over  for an Easter potluck lunch. It was great, no stress, the kids had fun and the parents got to enjoy the afternoon!  The pictures below did not turn out in order.... We hope you all had a restful day!   

backyard egg hunt with our friends after lunch

Do you see Brandon?

A perfect afternoon for eating outside!

Brandon taught his friends how to climb on the roof of the playhouse

After church pictures
anyone want to frame this for me for mother's day?!
before 6am!

I love this picture, you can see how tired Karly still is looking at her basket! 
good find Aunt Kristine!  I mean, Easter bunny!

morning egg hunt!


Happy Easter 2014

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