Sunday, July 21, 2013

FIrst Family Vacation!

This is our first vacation as a family of 4!  We're off to San Diego!  The drive was going to be too long so we stopped at our friends house for the night. We haven't seen them in over 2 years so it was great to see how well they played together!
 Karly is asleep on I5...
 Brandon watching you tube videos of some techno version of the big bad wolf story. (We heard it like 100 times, but he was happy!)
 Karly watching Yo Gabba Gabba
 New friends!  Brandon, Paige (5) Lucy (7) and Karly They were so excited to have a "sleep over"
 We couldn't find Brandon.... this is where we found him!  He was playing "tiger"

 Such a great pool, the kids had a blast!

Tearful good byes, Brandon cried he wanted them to come with us to San Diego!

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