Saturday, July 27, 2013

Our drive home from San Diego

We started our journey home this morning, we hurried out of San Diego and LA then stopped at a community pool in Valencia and swam for an hour or so before getting back on the road for the second half of the trip.  It was the smartest thing we did, Brandon slept for 3 hours! 

The final hour and a half was rough, Karly was screaming " HOME HOME HOME", how do you explain to a 2 year old you're getting home!!   When we pulled up she said "no, go back to beach house!" haha

Last night in San Diego

Our last day was spent at Legoland at the water park.  We came back mid day and enjoyed a nice walk along the water.  The kids are ready to head home they missed their toys. Brandon said he is going to kiss all his animals when he gets home.!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Seaworld... then.. back to the Zoo!

The first thing we had to do at SeaWorld was see the Beluga whales! Brandon was so into watching them and we even saw a feeding!

 The employee was teaching Brandon a thing or two about Beluga whales, Did you know that they turn white when they're 7, before that they're grey?

 Brandon and Karly took turns feeding the sea lions!  It was pretty cool!
 We saw a Shamu show!

 The kids are actually riding double here

 Karly loves rides, she's going to be our dare devil!  She wanted to go on them again and again!

Karly was SO excited to see Cookie Monster, unfortunately Elmo was on break
 We came home ate dinner got changed and headed back out to the ZOO again!

San Diego Zoo Day

The kids were pretty excited to spend the day at the Zoo!

 Karly telling everyone to be quiet the Lion is sleeping!








Here is the route we took around the zoo!
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Our lazy day in San Diego

After 4 days of structured play we decided we would take a lazy day and just hang at the beach. We "thought" that would be relaxing, but it totally backfired. Our kids were bored with the beach after a few hours. Made for a long day!  Won't do that again!

 But, Karly was wiped out she wouldn't let herself fall asleep during the day. But she finally fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep when we got back for the transfer to the crib

Brandon was wiped out too but wouldn't nap, he found comfort in lying on the elevator floor after the beach.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Our day at Legoland

Today we headed to Legoland, but not without a trip to the beach first before 8am!

 Sorry, some photos are sideways...  

Brandon is coming off the orange slide.  He LOVED the waterslides!

We only thought we would last half a day here, but we ended up staying till 6:30!  Kids were fast asleep on the way home for the night :)  Looking forward to tomorrow!

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