Saturday, October 20, 2012

Brandon's accomplishments!

If you know Brandon, you will know that he doesn't eat.. But today, when we got home from Costco on his own he opened the package of rasberries and just started eating! He ate non stop till this was all that was left!  Couldn't believe it! Let's hope he doesn't get a tummy ache!

 Then, he decided he needed to use the potty and brought books with him.  He sat for a while, didn't go.. but about 15 minutes later he raced back in grabbed another book and went!

 After going potty he decided he wanted Mac and Cheese! Karly was eating already, so it was made. I was trying so haard to stay calm and managed to to be sneaky and get these photos for evidence since Doug was golfing all day and missed all this! He ate 2 bowl fulls, one noodle at a time..
It was a good afternoon, lets hope the eating and using the potty continues to improve!!!

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