Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

What a Halloween it was! 

 Brandon and his friend Eli playing at school before school started. He didn't want to wear his costume....

 But then he saw his teachers and friends dressed up and decided he would wear his Tiger costume!  Grandma, who worked the night before came to see this!!

 Brandon led his class in the parade! We were so proud of him. He was just taking it all in!

 Cutest Tiger ever!
At the end of Karly's school day they had a parade too!


 a class party after the parade

Ready for Trick or Treating!!!
 Karly had 2 costumes I had to be sure she wore of both of them!

Happy Halloween!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Brandon's accomplishments!

If you know Brandon, you will know that he doesn't eat.. But today, when we got home from Costco on his own he opened the package of rasberries and just started eating! He ate non stop till this was all that was left!  Couldn't believe it! Let's hope he doesn't get a tummy ache!

 Then, he decided he needed to use the potty and brought books with him.  He sat for a while, didn't go.. but about 15 minutes later he raced back in grabbed another book and went!

 After going potty he decided he wanted Mac and Cheese! Karly was eating already, so it was made. I was trying so haard to stay calm and managed to to be sneaky and get these photos for evidence since Doug was golfing all day and missed all this! He ate 2 bowl fulls, one noodle at a time..
It was a good afternoon, lets hope the eating and using the potty continues to improve!!!

phone pictures from the last week

 Sometimes they are so sweet together, like tonight!
 Karly ready to head home from "school" She proudly carries her lunch box to the car every day

 Brandon absolutely LOVES school

Morning "coffee"

October is our favorite month!

We Love October, lots of pumpkin patches to explore on the weekends!  

Brandon wanted to go on the "cow train" we we're so sure of this since he usually can't handle it, but this time he LOVED it!
This little girl probably in middle school, Brandon really liked her, every ride or slide he went on he had to have her come with him. Thankfully she "worked" there so we didn't have to pay for her too! When she had to go help a customer Brandon tried to follow her behind the counter and wouldn't go on anything until she was free again..  Karly was FINE sitting alone, but Brandon needed the buddy! haha