Saturday, September 29, 2012

Brandon's 3rd Birthday!

This stud turned 3! Instead of a party we (Brandon Doug and I) flew to San Diego for the day to go to the Zoo! Crazy? Yes, Very! But we had a great time! Karly had tons of fun at Grandma and Pop Pop house for the day too!  

 Brandon and Uncle Matty in the lake
 Aunt Carolyn and Karly Carolyn!

 Airport Security, this is 6am, very excited!

 He threw up 2x on the plane...  thats why he has no clothes on!

 It was VERY VERY hot and Humid! We were not prepared for that! But lots of fun

 A tired little boy...

 Passed out in the Taxi and waiting at the airport!

 Happy Birthday Brandon!! We Love you!

 Zoo Keeper outfit and halloween costume!

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