Sunday, February 19, 2012

kids are growing up!

Our weekend was full of new things!

We went on a 2 mile hike with the Lewis's family on Sunday. It was great to be outside and let the kids walk!

Brandon loves his sisters letters on her walls, so I surprised Brandon with his name! He loves it and will go over the letters with you again and again and again!

Waiting for his jamba juice as a reward for being so good getting his haircut! Usually he is screaming and not cooperating, today was a total different kid! I was so proud of him!

Karly has figured out how to pull herself up on the train table! She is so happy when standing up! She isn't fully crawling yet, more of a shuffle then uses her bottom to help get to her destination. But look out she's on the move!

She just started eating these teething biscuits and loves them!

Brandon is so funny these days! He uses his Easter basket (from last year) as a hat! But when he runs, it looks like he has a football helmet on!

He also decided to start wearing a backpack. This backpack is smaller than his and fits him well. He likes to carry his rattles around so they make noise when he walks and runs!

my little poser!

Eating together and playing together

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