Wednesday, February 29, 2012

our morning

This morning Brandon decided to get up and turn on my bedroom light at 5:15! It's been a long day thus far! Since it's raining Brandon played with his playdough (before 8am)

the kids happily having breakfast before leaving for speech at 8:15

by 10:15 after speech, the boy has passed out! now if only I could've gone back to bed too!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

a quick trip to Auburn

When I'm by myself this is often how I get around with the kids!

While Karly is crawling, she had a few hard slips on the tile at my parents house in the kitchen. Thankfully she was pretty happy playing in the pack n play too.

The picture is blurry because its from my cell phone, but the kids had so much fun playing in here before bed. We were throwing a blanket over the top for them to hide like a fort.

Again, kinda blurry, but Brandon is playing an animal game and signing them with grandma.

taking a shower! isn't he cute?!

Happy Karly

saying/kissing bye bye to the giraffe

I knew this day would come....

Last night I was feeding Karly when I realized the toy room was alittle too quiet. No Brandon... then I saw the light on in the bathroom and found Brandon doing this... At least he put his potty on the potty and gets the concept that TP goes in the potty! Looking on the positive side of losing half a roll! Kids!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

kids are growing up!

Our weekend was full of new things!

We went on a 2 mile hike with the Lewis's family on Sunday. It was great to be outside and let the kids walk!

Brandon loves his sisters letters on her walls, so I surprised Brandon with his name! He loves it and will go over the letters with you again and again and again!

Waiting for his jamba juice as a reward for being so good getting his haircut! Usually he is screaming and not cooperating, today was a total different kid! I was so proud of him!

Karly has figured out how to pull herself up on the train table! She is so happy when standing up! She isn't fully crawling yet, more of a shuffle then uses her bottom to help get to her destination. But look out she's on the move!

She just started eating these teething biscuits and loves them!

Brandon is so funny these days! He uses his Easter basket (from last year) as a hat! But when he runs, it looks like he has a football helmet on!

He also decided to start wearing a backpack. This backpack is smaller than his and fits him well. He likes to carry his rattles around so they make noise when he walks and runs!

my little poser!

Eating together and playing together

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Our weekend

This weekend was a major family fun weekend. We've had beautiful weather and took full advantage of it! The pictures are backwards, starting with Sunday at Jen's house for superbowl.

We call this the Lazerev park since Mylee and Bree have a swing set in the backyard! We spent Superbowl sunday here playing.

Saturday evening we went to see Carsons new ranch in Castro Valley. At the top of their property is a park, our timing was perfect for some pictures.

This picture will be printed!

Our family!

We tried getting some good shots with the amazing background. They didn't turn out great, but still cute.

home and bathe

Friday night we decided to try and put underwear on Brandon. He loved it! We took him to the potty several times, he never went.. but he did go on the floor. We put the diaper on! We'll be potty training soon!

Saturday morning we went to the zoo in Oakland.


Look whoes holding herself up! She isn't crawling....YET