Saturday, October 29, 2011

Seattle Trip

The kids and I flew up to Seattle to see Julie and her family. It was a lot of fun and as always great to see her! The flight up was awful though, I didn't anticipate how long it would take me to get through security with a double stroller, a car seat, backpack, milk bottles, 2 kids, removing shoes and jackets... you get the picture! We nearly missed the flight! I ran out of milk on the way to Seattle, and just so you know. They don't have milk on board! The flight home was picture perfect, I got there really early got Brandon french fries and pumpkin bread and tons of milk for the flight. I've always hated when people brought food on the plane, but that night I didn't care when I brought out the fries! Brandon did great watching a movie and eating fries! Karly is such a good traveler, just smiling away to the person next to us!

It was freezing cold one afternoon, but surprisingly it never rained!

Brandon loves fish, he spent alot of time watching them!

lots of splashing!

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