Monday, October 31, 2011

Sharing the swing!

This weekend Karly had her first swinging experience. She loved it! We barely pushed it, but she loved hanging freely! Brandon wanted to swing with his sister, but we didnt dare swing the two together, he would squish her!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mommy's special helper

Brandon woke up before 6am on a Saturday morning.. poor me, I know. I decided to make muffins this morning, and for the first time Brandon showed an interest in helping. He is very skilled at turning on the mixer and tasting the batter!

random pictures

another trip to the pumpkin patch... and not the last one!

My new favorite month is October, I love taking the kids to the pumpkin patch! Brandon loves it too, free petting zoos are the best!

cell phone pictures

Karly is 4 months old in these shots, She now weighs 17 .3 pounds!

Seattle Trip

The kids and I flew up to Seattle to see Julie and her family. It was a lot of fun and as always great to see her! The flight up was awful though, I didn't anticipate how long it would take me to get through security with a double stroller, a car seat, backpack, milk bottles, 2 kids, removing shoes and jackets... you get the picture! We nearly missed the flight! I ran out of milk on the way to Seattle, and just so you know. They don't have milk on board! The flight home was picture perfect, I got there really early got Brandon french fries and pumpkin bread and tons of milk for the flight. I've always hated when people brought food on the plane, but that night I didn't care when I brought out the fries! Brandon did great watching a movie and eating fries! Karly is such a good traveler, just smiling away to the person next to us!

It was freezing cold one afternoon, but surprisingly it never rained!

Brandon loves fish, he spent alot of time watching them!

lots of splashing!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

family shots

Karly 4 months Brandon 2 years

Friday, October 7, 2011

Splish Splash Taking a Bath!

Tonight we decided to bathe Karly in the bigger bath tub in the tub. It's much easier than in the sink! Maybe now she will get more baths! Brandon was so excited to have his sister in the tub, he had to join the fun! Karly was really kicking him, and he loved it! Once she got out Brandon opted for the full size tub for the rest of his bath.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

big hugs before leaving for school and babysitters

I went back to work this week. The kids are up early and we're all out of the house by 7:40. This particular morning Brandon really wanted to hug Karly good bye. and you can tell she loved it!

Sunday morning trip to the pmpkin patch

we'll be back here with costumes, we were so impressed with this place!

petting zoo
he didn't like this so much. but he was a trooper and let the turkey sit on his lap

playing in the pumpkin seed box!

he lifted this all by himself and he was very proud of it!

Karly eating the bojourn carrier