Sunday, July 27, 2014

Family Vacation July 18-26 San Diego

Karly was so proud she stacked her and Brandon's suitcase "mom take a picture!" as I'm loading up the van
 Let the family vacation begin!!!  Hotel picture before going swimming!!
Looks peaceful right?  let me tell you, it was NOT!  (2am-5am)


 Saturday.... LA ZOO

 planning our route
Brandon having a very lengthy discussion with the zoo keeper about Orangutans


 napping while driving to the beach house in San Diego
 First steps in the bay- it became our favorite spot!

Sunday..... San Diego ZOO!!


 Brandon actually got called on!





After the zoo we hit the beach

Somores after dinner and baths

Monday... LEGOLAND! with Cousin Lucas and Colby!

 Brandon's first time down a REAL waterslide!

Back at the beach house for the evening, playing on the rope from the tree
coloring.. so peaceful
a treehouse! The kids got to go up there once with the owners they didn't want to come down!

Wednesday... SAFARI PARK
It was VERY VERY hot here this day!


Thursday... Carson came and hung with us at the beach. We didn't have the camera, its a good thing, it was a sandy day!  The boys went to the zoo again too..   No pictures today...


Friday... last full day, COMIC CON and  ZOO!
 The kids love comic con they both wanted to go inside and they both want to dress up next year.



You would think after almost a week of the zoo Brandon would be tired and begging to be in the stroller, nope, he walked almost the whole week.  It was around this time he realized we were leaving soon and began crying he wanted to stay 2 weeks.  Karly on the other hand said she was done with animals and wants to just hang at the beach for 2 weeks!

That pretty much sums up our trip!   We left Saturday morning to head home. Just 2 stops in 7.5 hours not bad with a 3 and 4 year old! and no one slept in the car!