Friday, June 27, 2014

Brandon graduates Preschool!!


 Today Brandon graduated preschool!   We have been so fortunate to have found School of Imagination and so happy he can stay there one more year for Kindergarten.   This school has the most caring, and supportive staff  you will ever meet. And they have been nothing but supportive to our family.  I honestly don't know where we would be without these guys!

The mayor of Dublin spoke she and Charlene met almost 10 years ago to make School of Imagination happen!
 All the staff, teachers, OT therapists, Speech therapists, aides, assistants, front desk staff put on a dance show for us it was great the kids loved it!
 Each class did a song0 Brandon's class did  "Slippery Fish" He did pretty good on stage since it was a full house in the theatre!


The graduates paraded around the theatre  before coming up to collect their certificates
Brandon's class
 The big surprise for the families- the kids have been practicing at school and an hour before graduation they preformed the "Happy "song    Brandon was standing in the back in the beginning then popped out in front and began to really dance!

 Brandon's hands in the air

 He grabs a girl and dances (not planned!!)

And takes a front row BOW at the end!
 all the teachers get on stage for a final good bye with the kiddos
 one of the assistants is holding Brandon

 some VERY VERY special teachers
and we can't forget Hope!!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Karly's 3rd Birthday Party!

We celebrated Karly's 3rd birthday today! She is growing up so fast!  She was so proud to have her friends from school over for a big play date!

 After her birthday party we had an end of the school year party!!

 The day started at 10am and the last guest left at 6pm.... Long day for these guys!  But they had a blast!