Sunday, September 29, 2013

Our fun weekend!

The last few weekends we have spent hours outside with our neighbor letting the kids ride bikes.  Brayden is 13 months older than Brandon and they love hanging out together. Karly is right in there keeping up with both boys!

We decided to spend Sunday afternoon at the Zoo!

The week in photos

Doug was traveling this week, but the kids still had a great week!  
 a morning playdate before school with Eli!
 New friends at school
 Karly picked out her clothes!
 my tired kids after a long day of school

Brandon's Birthday Celebrations at School

Brandon got to celebrate his birthday at both schools on his actual birthday!  We brought cookies in and Brandon was so proud to share with everyone! He also loved everyone singing to him!

 The teacher had the kids eat their "healthy" snack before I passed out cookies!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Brandon Tiger Birthday Party!!






 Brandon requested his CEIA teachers and teacher Beth come to his party. We were so happy to see so many teachers come wish Brandon a Happy Birthday! The staff wanted to give Brandon his gift before they left, Brandon wanted to do it in his room.   He is so loved by this group! 

There was a big rain storm that came through before our party ended.  Everyone went inside to play.   Later that afternoon Brayden and Brandon went on the slide when there was a break in the rain. Brandon of course stripped his clothes, man did he go fast down this slide!!

 All tuckered out and asleep on the couch before 7pm.  It was a fun day! 
Karly going to bed rocking in her tiger sunglasses!


The start of the birthday weekend!!!

Our little boy is growing up!  Brandon turns 4 !  We had Doug's family over for family dinner to kick off his birthday weekend.   He was so excited to blow the candle! This is the first year he was able to do it!!   We are so proud of him!

 (Karly almost beat him to blowing the candle out!)