Saturday, August 31, 2013

Look who's 40 in the house!

We had a small get together for Doug's 40th Birthday at the house.  Doug and I will be heading to VEGAS next weekend to celebrate!

Happy Birthday Doug!!

Back to School!

Brandon started school on Tuesday last week! He is SO happy to be back into a routine! He is at a new school, knowing only 3 kids but has handled the transition better than I thought he would! 

Unfortunately Brandon and Eli are not in the same class. But they do see each other before school and at recess!  You can see the bond they have!

a few random shots


Doug and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary this month! Dinner and a movie!

Karly meets ELMO!

After not getting to see Elmo in Sea World she has been asking for Elmo constantly! Well Elmo came to the local toy store! Karly gave him a hug and was in awe of him the whole time we were there, it was not pretty when we left!

Karly is not a morning person!

Lately Karly is 2 years old going on 16! She hates being woken up in the morning! She will cover her head and tell me, "No mommy not yet!" or just refuse to get out of the crib.  The girl loves her sleep and sleeps 12 hours!

Auburn for the 60th birthday celebration!

We went to Lake of the Pines for my moms 60th birthday!

 Summer lake fun!

 Dinner in the park

Sometimes Brandon can be the sweetest at 6am and ask for a family picture!

Nevada County Fair!

We rode an elephant! Have you?
 Happy 60th Birthday mom aka Grandma!

 Grandma with her grandchildren (4 absent) and great grandchildren
 Cousin hike before returning to Pennsylvania!


Party time!

Brandon was invited to a fairy princess party for his little friend Gabriella.  We all had a great time, the kids loved the magic and puppet show!

Happy Birthday Gabriella!

Saturday morning chore

We decided the animals needed a bath. Brandon is always in the jungle with his animals and they needed a good washing.  it was a 4 step process, wet, soap, rinse, dry and the whole family was involved!