Sunday, June 30, 2013

Brandon and his Best Friend Eli

Brandon and Eli are really close buddies and in summer school together.   We're hoping they're still in the same class in the fall at their new school or Brandon is going to be crushed! 

Karly's 2 year check up stats

Karly deserved a big treat of frozen yogurt because she had 4 shots at her 2 year old check up!  She was a trooper though!   Karly weighs just under 30 pounds and is in the 70th percentile for height, although I think she's taller than what she measured at.  (taller than all her friends)  The doctor was shocked how well and how much she talks!  She is such a sweetheart and we're so proud of her!

Summer is here!

With the temperatures over 100 degrees this weekend we found ourselves in lots of pools!
 A pool play date with Aiden from Brandon's class

 Lake of the Pines (Last week)

Brandon made friends with this 9 year old girl at the pool. He was teaching Brandon handstands, and summersaults!
Karly in her new suit and glasses

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Last Day of School 2012-2013

Today was the last day of school for both kids. Karly moves on to the TWO's room and Brandon has 5 weeks of summer school then moves on to a new school with a 1 to 4 ratio! We're very excited for these kiddos!!
Brandon and Teacher Beth
The "Boys club" that will be moving to the same school as Brandon!
Karly and Teacher Kelley

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Karlys 2nd Birthday Party!

Hard to believe our little girl is 2 years old!! We had a great party despite the 100 degree temperature!  But a breeze came through and made it so much more bearable!   
 Water Balloon baseball, lead to a water balloon  throwing with the goal of hitting Doug!

 Karly and her favorite babysitter Pam and Juanita!
 Dinner at the park
 Happy Birthday Karly!

 Karly and Katelyn from school

Friday, June 7, 2013

dinner time

This is not normal in my house!!   But after hours of swimming, Brandon was hungry enough to eat almost a whole bowl of Mac and Cheese!   We were so excited!   We didn't care that they were glued to the TV, they were eating!! 

Happy kids

Despite the challenges we have,  Brandon is really a sweet brother and Karly adores him no matter what!