Thursday, May 30, 2013

Karly and Grandma and Pop Pop

Happy Birthday Pop Pop


 Brandon JUMPING off the diving board!
 Karly equally confident in her life vest

Brother Sister LOVE

The kids have started to "play together" more nicely this past week. Its been SO GREAT TO SEE!! 

Karly and her classmates

 Karly was invited to her first 2 year old birthday party for her classmate Katie. Katie (center), Ella and Karly are pretty tight at school. They're always together!  We look forward to them continuing to be in the same class for the next few years!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Gonzaga Graduation

Karly and I got to go to Spokane WA for Andrew's Gonzaga's graduation! It was really Karly's first time on an airplane and she did pretty darn good!

 The top of the Spokane arena

 Karly sat for a 3 hours graduation with just getting up once for a walk!