Saturday, April 27, 2013

Brandon and Mommy zoo trip

Today Doug and I switched roles, I took Brandon to the zoo while Doug stayed home with Karly and cleaned the house and went grocery shopping! Brandon and I had a great time. He insisted on wearing my back up sunglasses the whole day! 

Spring is here! Bring out the pool!!

April shots

The weather is changing, Brandon loves to wait on the bench for the bus in the mornings!

a quick kiss good bye to Karly before school!
 Rooster hair!!
 This is not just a world map, but a world map with every single animal!!
 Spring pictures!

 Brandon brought her a book to read!

Friends having a cookie

Sunday, April 7, 2013

entering a new stage!

The kids are just getting into bikes!  Racing down the driveway is always lots of fun!

 We have a balance bike, neither one of them cared much for it, but they tried!!

Karly and her best friend at school

Katie is Karly's best friend at school. She went to Hawaii for a week, when she returned there were lots of hugs given! Karly is exactly 4 weeks younger than Katie, they'll both be moving to the "2's" room soon!

just so sweet

Brandon loves checking on grandma when he comes home from school. He knows she is sleeping in his room.  On this particular day, he climbed in and laid with her for 40 minutes while she slept.


These pictures are all messed up in the order of happening..  But you can figure it out!   The kids had a great day, no idea the bunny was coming!  We spent the day in Auburn (lots of driving!) The kids arrived at Grandma's and pop pop's house to hunt for eggs! 



Sick kids!!

We were hit HARD with a virus in our house!  Karly went down first for 4 days of high fevers that landed her in the ER!  She finally recovered, only to have Brandon go down next for a few days too!


Brandon's Spring Break

Brandon had a great spring break!  He had some play dates, a day out with Dad to the Exploratorium, a trip to the Zoo, and just hanging out!   
 This is Brandon playing "Teacher Brandon" reading to his animals.
 Below, Brandon decided he wanted to set the table for dinner.  He was so proud of his work!
Exploratorium pictures, they spent the WHOLE day there!

A play date with his friend Eli from school.