Friday, March 22, 2013

bath time


Rain clothes!

It was raining earlier in the day, but when Brandon came home he insisted on putting on a rain coat, hat, gloves, and boots to go outside and play. I wasn't going to fight that!!

Haircut for Brandon

Brandon has been wanting us to spike his hair up after baths, its finally too long and he said lets cut it so he can look like a rooster!  Off to Supercuts we went! He did great considering he has never sat through a cut without kicking, screaming, and us holding him!  We were so proud of him!


"like a rooster" "cock-a-doodle-do"

Holli Festival

We've heard so much about the "color run" and without the running part it came to San Ramon! Brandon LOVED IT!  Just Doug and Brandon got to go to this event!

 a French fry break from the food trucks!

The next "Bollywood" dance sensation!

Monday, March 18, 2013

They're growing up so fast!

 The last time we went to the park she couldn't reach, she can today!!

 Brandon, what are you doing? Said Dad  "I a man, I looking for something" said Brandon
It was a warm day, I told Karly go get your shoes, she came back with these on! 


We've been having lots of play dates  with the weather becoming nicer again!
 Jane and Brandon  Jane goes to school with Brandon- they're pretty tight!
 Katie and Karly go to school together  Katie is 4 weeks older EXACTLY  They're best friends and trouble makers at school
The original 4!  Mylee and Bree will always be our favorite!

Brandon's first day on the BUS!

Brandon has been asking for quite some time to take the bus to school. He is the only one in his class that doesn't get to take the bus to school. So I finally agreed, it turns out he is the last one picked up and the first one off so it works out perfectly!

Brandon was so excited to be with his friends on the bus! Karly, on the other hand, was pissed she didn't get to go too! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

It's Brandon!

 After school on Fridays I take him out for a special treat, usually its to Target, but on this day it was Pannera. While the cookie is large he ate about 3 bites and wanted to share it with Karly, and instead wanted to try my smoothie!
 This was the first time he ate Greek yogurt!  Wish I could say he still enjoys it as much as he did outside that day!
yes, Brandon is an animal hoarder! He loves his animals!

Brandon's first play date

We've had friends over before, but this was different! These were school friends! Brandon had been asking for weeks for Eli and Ryan to come over to play. We finally made it happen, all the boys had a great time! It was so good to see him happy with his friends and great for Doug and I to meet other families!

This tractor was given to us for free almost 2 years ago, its gotten so much usage and has been a great toy to bring the kids together to play together on!

Brandon's swimming lessons!

We started Brandon in private swimming lessons in January. It was the best thing we could've done for him! He LOVES IT!   He's made huge progress already!  This was the first time Brandon wore goggles more than 30 seconds. He loves them now, once he realized he could see under water!

 He wouldn't even take them off after lessons!
So we bought him a pair! He wore them all the way home! :)

Karly is 20 months old!

Sweet baby Karly is growing up so fast! She's becoming such a little girl. She is so happy and loves to talk and play!

 She retired the high chair one evening, we didn't have a booster handy so Doug got creative and set her up on a pot for dinner!
This is Karly trying to sign "I love you"

Brandon's Valentines Day Party

Doug got to go and represent at Brandon's Valentines Day Party at school!

That night Brandon fell asleep holding his valentines day balloon. He was so concern about holding onto it!