Sunday, December 29, 2013

First time on a horse!

Over the weekend the kids got to ride a horse at a birthday party, they both loved it!

Great pictures of the kids just being themselves

Christmas eve and Christmas morning

Karly is that cute cow waving!

Santa has arrived!


                                                                             5:30 AM 

 Brandon picked out a mickey mouse for Karly. Karly gave Brandon a big hug she was so happy!
New Bathrobes and recliners!
Merry Christmas to all, to all and good night!

Santa Pictures

100 times better than last year! Brandon was thrilled to see Santa this year! Karly wanted to see Santa, but wanted mom and dad to be with her.  No tears this year!  Sorry, the picture is sideways!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Selfies.. the word of the year 2013

The kids and I were messing around taking pictures after a bath. 

He's riding a bike!!

I'm so proud of Brandon, he finally got the hang of it and is riding a bike!  All that OT  is paying off!

 We met his best friend Eli at the park, Eli is a lot faster than Brandon but it won't be long that we'll be running to keep up with these two!

Bad Parenting....

OK So Doug and I failed at parenting this morning.  Brandon wakes up sometimes as early as 4:45am and well we just don't get up.  Usually he colors or plays animals until one of us gets up around 5:45 to check on him and start the coffee.  This morning we don't know why, but he decided to turn himself into a Tiger Leopard with markers. He came in turned on the lights so proud to show off his art work.  It took everything not to crack up.   PS it washed right off in the pool for swimming lessons :)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Trick or Treting!

We set out for trick or treating thinking we wouldn't be out long, we were out an hour and a half!  The kids did great, we went with our neighbor and a classmate of Brandon's.  

Happy Halloween!

Karly's party!

Karly's school had their party after naps, so smart!   Doug took Karly since it was a non school day for her while Grandma took Brandon to Social skills to practice trick or treating.
 Karly and her BFF Katie

Ella, Karly and Katie have all been at school together since they were 14 months old