Friday, August 31, 2012

a week in pictures

Brandon has discovered the bench out front and now always has to sit there before getting in the car. Karly just adores being next to him!

                                               He has discovered the doorbell... "dingdong"
 We had a garage sale, Karly loved sitting in her brother's high chair and "shopping" at her own sale! knucklehead!

                                              Bradon checking things out when he woke up
                          She actually likes sitting and driving the cart while I shop!  She calls it a "bus"
Brandon and his buddy Charlie

Happy 39th Birthday Doug!

7 Year Anniversary

Doug and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary on August 26. My parents paid for babysitting and dinner! We had a relaxing time at dinner at Jack London Square watching the boats come in! 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Brandon singing ABC with extras!

While having popsicles Brandon recites his ABC but then out of the blue he starts singing the extras! It's hard to hear, if Brandon noticed that I was recording he would've stopped talking so you need to turn your volume up all the way! But this is the most he has ever said!!!  GO Brandon!!!!

Karly's first day of school and Brandon and mommy date

Beleive it or not, Karly started "school"  this week. She did great! She fit right in and loved being outside. Theres 4 kids and 2 teachers!  This week she begins her first full day, praying it goes as well as her visiting day did!   While Karly was at school, Brandon and I went to the park, and he enjoyed having one on one time. We also visited his what will be "new school" come his 3rd birthday!

A quick 24 hour trip to Truckee, Lake Tahoe

We had the opportunity to spend the night up in Truckee at a friends cabin. Our kids LOVE the outdoors so they were in heaven and  filthy dirty!  Pictures are in no particular order....

 On the way up Brandon got carsick.... poor thing has my genes...

We can't go on vacation without bringing the animals with us!!

Karly at 13 months

I feel so bad for Karly, she didn't get nearly as many milestone pictures as Brandon did.  But, she is such a happy fun easy baby! She had her one year check alittle late. But she is in the 90th percentile for height and weighs 25 pounds.   She is walking, climbing, and rocking in the chair on her own. She is talking so much (probably because she comes to all Brandon's speech lessons!)  She loves her brother and is increasing loving animals by default possibly, she also loves babies, real babies that is!  This girl loves to eat any time you put food infront of her she will eat it!  

Brandon's School

This was taken on the last day of school for the summer. Karly is now participating in the activities too! Brandon is doing so well, he is copying what you say, and suprises us all the time with new words. We can even have a small conversation with him!   We're looking forward to getting him back in school so his teachers can see what an improvement he has made!

Some summer pictures

I have to say, this summer FLEW by. I'm going back to work on Tuesday. It's been a fun summer hanging with the kids! They've both changed so much in the last 2 months. These are just some random cell phone shots!

One of Many zoo trips this summer