Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mylee's Birthday Party

Mylee has been Brandon's best friend since he was born! Now Bree and Brandon are pretty tight too. Both girls are really into "Baby Karly" now, leaving Brandon alittle jealous at times. But we hope that the 4 of them will all be really close as they get older!

Mylee and Brandon

Bree and "Baby Karly"

rainny day

It rained all day yesterday, I was going crazy! I honestly don't know how people do it in the snow, or northwest! But yesterday the kids were so good, you can see how much they love eachother! Hopefully today they still do today, its another rainny day!

Watching TV together, the exact same expressions!
watching the rain outside

big brother hugs

See all those teeth?! (She has 4 on bottom and 2 on top!)

He built that!

skyping Grandma and Grandpa and Great Grandma!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Today Brandon and Doug went for a walk, and Brandon took a hard fall. Lots of tears and blood. Doug called me to come pick them up, by the time I got there (2 minutes) Brandon was happy again and we all went to the park and for frozen yogurt for being so tough! But tonight when we showed it to him in the mirror he whined and whimpered about it..

New hat and shades

A trip to Target for other things.... we came home with a new hat that Brandon gets a kick out of wearing and sunglasses because he keeps stealing mine! The slurpee was a bonus for being sucha cute kid!

best friends