Thursday, September 29, 2011

cell phone pictures

my little fish
Why a picture of FedEx you ask? On the way to school at a stop light, Brandon looks outside and all by himself says... Fa Fa Fa for F and then he says EEE Very good Brandon! He knows his letters, just can't say them.... yet!!

This was taken at School

Brandon reading to Karly, can this get any cuter?!

am I cute or what?!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Karly's 3 month check up

Karly had her 3 month check up this morning. She is 14 pounds 12 ounces in the 90th percentile and 25 inches long in the 97th percentile. She is doing GREAT! Lately she has increased her milk intake and is trying hard to roll over!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Brandon!

Friday was Brandon's second birthday. and let me tell you, it was HOT! over 100 degrees! I took the kids for bagels and to the park before 9am. By 11 it was pretty hot so we decided to clean the backyard and Brandon was incharge of the hose most of the time. He loved it!

That evening we took Brandon to Chucke Cheese since it was just too hot to do anything else! We weren't impressed. However he had enough stimulation that he fell asleep pretty easily!

Kids relaxing on the floor

Playing with mommy

New Birthday PJ's Buzz Light Year!

Showing off his moves!

The Birthday Party!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

3/4 of the family

last night we celebrated Doug's grandma's 90th birthday. We left Brandon at home with the sitter. This was the best picture taken all night!

Tractor Fun!

Mylee and Bree came over to play. There's one way they can all ride the tractor! They had a blast!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Early Risers!

Brandon woke up at 5:30 this morning... and had no intention of going back to bed. Karly woke up not long after... but they were both very happy! This is the first time both kids are in winter footed PJs and Brandon is really warming up to his little sister!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pictures from other cameras at Eli birthday party

Karly is 3 months old!

Karly is 3 months old today! She is a very happy little girl! She is cooing and gives everyone a smile. She adores her big brother and loves to hold his finger. I don't have a weight for you yet, her 3 month check up is in another week..