Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Brother Sister Love

Brandon is 23 months old and Karly is 11 weeks old in these pictures. Brandon is starting to warm up to Karly, but when he is done with her he is DONE. I think they will be super close as Karly gets older..

He is holding her finger

a Kiss for his sister!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

cell phone pictures

Karly 10 weeks old
first time I took BOTH kids to the grocery store, I bribed Brandon with frozen yogurt!


this is a rare thing!

Brandon's first day of SCHOOL!

Brandon started school at Montesorri. We had high hopes he would love it and do just fine! But, instead we got a phone call an hour into school saying they couldn't calm him down and we needed to come pick him up... we were so bummed... but today is a new day! I dropped him off he cried... I got a phone call saying he is doing GREAT! So hopefully, he is making new friends! There is just 4 kids in his class. 3 boys 1 girl.

grandads memorial service in Arizona