Friday, July 15, 2011

Growing up!

As most of you know, Brandon has figured out how to climb out of his crib. Its been a challenge keeping him in the crib at bed time. We decided it was time to upgrade and get him a "big boy" bed. He has done great with the transition! He sleeps on bottom, usually with one of us lying with him until he falls asleep. And grandma sleeps on top when she stays with us!
This is Karly's room. Its still being put together. We just moved everything from Brandon's room to hers! One advantage of having kids so close in age!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Kids!

These were taken last weekend with Amy and Pati's cameras. Karly is 3 weeks 3 days old in these photos.

Yes, I am putting her in dresses!!

Brandon signing "sleep"

Brandon signing "daddy"

Ketchup on his face after eating a hotdog

So its true...

I guess what they say is true... the second child doesn't get as many pictures and blog updates! Great Grandma had Karly smiling!

I don't know how you can get a good picture of a family of 4!

First Summer Swim!

Karly's first trip out on the boat!

Pretty in Pink!