Friday, June 24, 2011

First time holding Karly

Brandon is starting to show an interest in Karly and being gentle!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brother Sister Nap

Brandon fell asleep on the couch, Karly fell asleep in our arms, Doug came up with a great idea... so cute!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Our Family on Fathers Day

Our Family of 4

This was when we just got home. I still can't get over how big Brandon seems now!

Big Brother Brandon

We got Brandon new blocks for becoming a Big Brother. These have been a lifesaver!

Our biggest challenge is keeping him OUT of Karly's swing!

More Karly

Introducing: Karly Carolyn Conde

Karly Carolyn Conde
June 15, 2011
Arrived at high noon on her due date!
8 pounds 6 ounces

Monday, June 13, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

Okay, while mom was sleeping in this Saturday morning. Dad and Brandon got into the cupcakes (Thanks Wendy from work!!). So when we went into wake up mom, Brandon was on a sugar rush!! Mom was not too happy with Daddy.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Too funny not to post!

Brandon was pretty relaxed after his bath wouldn't you say??

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Last blog entry of Brandon only before his baby sister arrives!

Brandon 20 months old

Passed out!!!

This past week Brandon has been SO stubborn when it comes to going to bed. He used to be the easiest kid to put down. But something changed... on this particular afternoon he wouldn't nap, so when Doug came home from work I told him to take him to the park and tire him out so he will go down early. Well, Doug only made it 3 blocks and he was in a deep sleep. Not what I wanted at 530pm!

I tried to strip him down hoping he would wake up!!

Not even after I got him in his PJ's did he wake up!

Brandon's frog statue

For whatever reason Brandon picked this Frog, its a garden statue of some sort while shopping. He would not let it go and kept talking to it. I couldn't not buy it! He helped daddy pick the place in the yard for it too.

Giving it hugs!!

What's so funny Brandon?

Brandon and Luke playing in chicken suit costumes

This past weekend my best friend Julie came in town with one of her sons and stayed with us. Luke is 4 months older than Brandon, but they had a great time together. Julie and I went garage saling and found a Chicken Suit costume and we got them dressed up, it was pretty funny to watch them play together with this on!