Friday, April 29, 2011

Fun at the park

These pictures were taken by a cell phone. I took Brandon to the park, not expecting the water feature to be turned on so soon! There was no chance of me keeping him out! He loved every second of it, probably spent 30 minutes playing before I decided he had enough it was only in the low 60s!

they call this one the car wash!!

Easter 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lincoln Log Playhouse

This morning was the first day of Garage Sale season. I left the house at 7:15am with my friends to find some good deals on toys and clothes for Brandon. I got a call from Doug, who was he was just coming back from the bagel shop with Brandon when he spotted this for $40.00! It retails for over $500 new! Go Dad!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Our San Diego Trip

We knew this was the last opportunity to get away as a family of 3. We decided to take Brandon to San Diego to the Zoo and Sea World for the weekend. There are so many good pictures, I had a hard time limiting myself, you can tell he had a great time!
He did GREAT on the plane, reading, coloring and watching a movie.. the final 10 minutes was painful his ears were really hurting him! it was so warm when we arrived, swimming was the first thing we did! The next day Brandon actually swam in that fountain but we didn't have the camera with us. Its probably not designed for kids to play in it, but that wasn't going to stop him!

It was a perfect day in the low 80s to be at the zoo! he LOVES looking at the animals smart kid to stay hydrated too! He spent probably a good 20 minutes watching the Elephants being fed. a Peacock just wondering around! He really wanted to touch him. He's so small! Checking out a helicopter zonked out after lunch... we sat in the shade for over an hour while he napped then continued on when he woke up! Petting animals was a hit amazing he did this with me! he's done... ready to call it a day... We went back to the hotel where he got a bath and colored this picture was taken just after 6am.. our happy early riser! Brandon's first view of the ocean! We were there by 7 30am. a bit chilly too.. Brandon loved everything about the beach!! making a run for it for the water.. packing up getting ready for Sea World, he's "holding onto his pear for later" waiting in line for his first roller coaster ride! Elmo's fish There's daddy and Brandon he loved every second of the ride, laughing the whole time! we caught a Sesame Street show tuckered out, but happy with his bottle and new Elmo wiped out, its been a fun busy weekend! Shortly thereafter we learned our flight home was cancelled and we drove all night home... too tired for pictures!!