Sunday, February 20, 2011

A break in the rain, means a walk!

We were fortunate enough to have a break in the rain, so we took Brandon to a sports park to walk. He enjoyed the puddles! Its a good thing we had a change of clothes in the car!
Peek a Boo!

" I promise mom i'm not going to splash..."

If you're happy and you know it, Stomp your feet!

maybe I need rain boots mom!

we can't leave the park without checking out the Stop signs!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

We're having a GIRL!

We found out Brandon will have a baby sister sometime in June! We're very excited for the newest and last addition! We don't have a name yet, and we're open to suggestions!

6 weeks behind blogging!!!

I'm really sorry my fellow blog readers for falling 6 weeks behind on updating the blog! I returned to work January 24th and the last month has just flown by! Brandon is 16th months old, and has been so much fun to be with. Its becoming harder to take pictures of him since he is so active! His all time number one thing he wants to do is go outside and walk! He rather walk than play at the park! He loves street signs and will check each one out! We have some videos hopefully we'll get some posted soon. Below are some pictures taken in the last month.

We have a climber on our hands.. he is on a mission to get on top of the toy box, he already can climb half way up the bookcase!

Brandon is daddy's helper in the garden! He loves to play in the dirt and water.

He's really into puckering his face and looks like a fish! I have no idea where he picked this up from.
You see all the wood chips? that's Brandon chewing on the TV stand!! We'll replace our furniture after baby number 2 finishes teething too!

He's getting taller!!

He's not much of a ham for the camera right now, but still cute regardless!

Brandon has a few favorite movies now, the newest one is Madagascar, he loves zoo animals! He literally laid here and watched the whole thing one morning!

This pillow pet by the way, is his favorite and he will take it away from you if you rest your head on it!!
Getting older means trying new foods! He is still VERY PICKY but... He will only eat a WHOLE pear that is somewhat soft, if you slice it he won't touch it.

He's also eating GoGurts now

and he eats other foods too.. one being grilled cheese, but eats the crust first! What kid likes the crust?! He also has to eat a banana in the grocery store, you can imagine what the cart can look like !

He's learning early what utensils are needed to be a cook!