Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A New Train Set from Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Rich

Aunt Carolyn came over today with her Christmas present for the kids. She brought Brandon more tracks! And for the first time, he let us set the tracks on the train table! We played all evening!

We have a tooth!!! actually 2!

Karly's first tooth came on her 6 month birthday 12/15/11, and her SECOND tooth came in on 12/26/11! She's been a trooper, but everything really goes in the mouth now!

Monday, December 26, 2011

It's Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone! We had a very queit Christmas with just the 4 of us. We had brunch Christmas day at Doug's parents house, but other than that it was a nice little family Christmas.

After Santa Arrived!
A happy Karly, she got lots of age appropriate toys!

Jump Brandon Jump!

Brandon playing with Karlys toy with her

Opening a book

we tried several times to get a shot of them together infront of the tree in their PJ's, FAILED this is as close to a decent one...

Because I love you, you can play with my trampoline too

A balance bike from Nano and Pop pop!

Playing the real drums at pop pops

Wrapping up Christmas by eating cookies and watching "UP"

Merry Christmas to all!!

Christmas Eve

We decided to go to the earlier service since it was design for kids. They called for all children to come up and hear a story. Brandon followed his friend up to hear, but all he did was get up look at the story turn around and run down the steps. You can see Brandon front and center with his bottle (gave it to him to keep him "quiet" didn't work so well)

This is Karly in her Christmas Eve outfit. She played baby Jesus in the later service.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Santa Pictures

2011 Christmas

2010 Christmas

I can't stop Laughing!

Karly is 6 months old!

Little Miss Happy is 6 months old now! She weighs 19.6. Almost the same size Brandon was at this age. Pictures are from my cell phone.

This was on our christmas card, the two of them have become so close. Brandon is very protective of her, checking on her when she's asleep and gives lots of hugs and kisses. (that's probably why Karly has had so many colds!)

I love this picture!! He really loves Santa, just not the real one!

Monday, November 28, 2011

A post for Big Cousin Lucas

This past weekend Brandon decided it was time to bring out the trains and tracks and start playing trains. He played for hours on Sunday! He's loving how we can constantly change the lay out of the tracks and make noise as we push the trains. We played again Monday night until way past bedtime! I see hours of entertainment this winter!! Thank you Lucas!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We really tried hard to get a good thanksgiving photo for our christmas card. That didn't work.. I'm getting desprate! Maybe this weekend will work. but this is a great shot of Karly and I!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

too cute not to post!

This was them this morning just hanging out on the floor together.

you can tell Brandon loves Karly!

and Karly loves Brandon!

the leaves are falling!!

For the first time since being a small kid I actually enjoyed the leaves on the ground! Brandon had his first run through the leaves! We were out for a long time and you can see in the pictures he really enjoyed it!

He tripped, but it was more of a dive!

Karly loved being outside and watching!

yes, I colored my hair!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Halloween... a very late posting..

Halloween didn't go as smoothly as we thought it would go! We spent alot of time finding his elephant costume, only to find he refused to wear it until that night when he saw other kids dressed up! He was way too excited for this, we went to 2 dozen houses but he was more into the running than collecting candy! (no complaints) My idea of a family picture went out the window, this was all we captured. and he never wore his hat, which was the cutest part of the costume!

with the hope Brandon would wear his costume Doug bought DJ LanceRock costume from Yo Gabba Gabba

I love his eyes in this! He really wasn't sure wha was up!