Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween day

On Halloween we wanted to take Brandon to a few places so that they can see him in his costume. Our first stop was Auntie Pam's house (babysitters) She got Brandon a really cool book that you can tell from the pictures he LOVES! She also gave him a bag of Animal Crackers..

We then went to Brandon's cousins house, Eli and Zoe. The plan was to get a cousin picture.. as you will be able to tell, that didn't work out.

But Eli did try and pose with Brandon, but Brandon just kept on walking!

in one last attempt for a cousin picture Doug tried to hold onto all 3 of them.

We took Brandon to two houses tonight, he did great walking up the driveway to the door holding his pail. We didn't get any pictures, shocking huh? It was dark and the job required two of us!
Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin patch...again

Brandon went to many many pumpkin patches this month, mostly with Pam, the babysitter. He loved it everytime we went. It was fun to let Brandon run freely and he totally cooperated with his costume!

It got hot while playing at the pumpkin patch. Mom forgot to bring me a change of clothes!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Ptach

We spent the weekend in Auburn, and between rain storms we managed to get to the pumpkin patch to get a few pictures of Brandon in his monkey costume.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Playing in the toy room

We realized its been almost 2 weeks without a post! Brandon is fully walking now. He went from walking like a drunk, to waddling. He much prefers to walk than crawl. As much as he can he wants to be outside, he follows us into the garage, and bangs on the door when he wants to go out to play!

Brandon loves his baseball glove he got for his birthday from Uncle Matty and Aunt Kristine

Monday, October 4, 2010

Brandon's first haircut!

Alicia is a very special lady, she has been cutting my hair since the 4th grade. She shaved my head the night before my implant surgery, she did my hair for my wedding, and now she gets to cut Brandon's hair for the first time! He did GREAT, probably because he got to play with Alicia's bracelet, hey whatever keeps him happy!

First trip to the pumpkin patch this year!