Sunday, September 26, 2010


Brandon is ONE

Brandon gave us a taste of whats to come... He woke up at 6am on his birthday and had no intentions of going back to bed. We gave him his birthday present before getting ready for work. He loves his new Tractor that daddy picked out for him. It makes noises, and backs up!

After picking Brandon up from the babysitters, we came home to a present at the front door! This is from Aunt Jeri and Uncle Jim in Arizona!

He is pretty skilled at opening gifts!

Its a really cool school bus!!!

Happy First Birthday Brandon!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rocking out before going to his birthday party!

Doug and I left Brandon in the care of Uncle Matty and Auntie Kristine while we set up the park. They spiked his hair up for the special day, we loved it!!

The Birthday Party!

Today we celebrated Brandon's birthday at Boone Arces Park. It was a hot day, but in the shade it was perfect! We had everyone bring lawn chairs, and enjoy lunch with us!

Brandon's future prom date, Bree (they're 5.5 weeks apart)

Kristine and I made the Monkey cake for Brandon

It's been a LONG afternoon!
Sorry for so many pictures, but he only turns ONE once!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September23, 2009 and September 22, 2010

Last 11 Month old photos

It's hard to beleive our little boy is going to be one in just a few hours! The year went by so fast! Last weekend Doug and I spent Friday night watching all our home movies of Brandon and how he has changed! He was born just 7 pounds 5 ounces, he's now 27 pounds! He has 8 teeth, with another one on the way. He has learned to climb on things, fall down stairs, clap, wave, and understands "how big is Brandon" He can say, car, truck, clock, dada.. still working on mama! He loves music and his baby einstien movies. Brandon has given Doug and I so much to brag about, he's such a happy baby boy, we wouldn't trade him for anything!

Having Bagels with Brandon's very special friend, Mylee

Brandon can climb!

Playing the drums with Pop Pop

The boy loves water, what can we say?