Sunday, August 29, 2010

Monterey weekend

Since Doug was golfing, Brandon and I checked out the Dennis the Menace park! It was really cool, Brandon loved it until he decided to lick the sand! He was blowing rasberries all the way back to the hotel!

Before dinner we walked along the warf, it was pretty cold!

I love you daddy, Happy Birthday!

My parents are smart, they brought the traveling highchair and my favorite videos to watch! There isn't much to do in a hotel room!

The Aquarium in pictures....

Brandon LOVES water!

We expected Brandon to sleep along the way home.. but he was in such a silly mood! and he is facing forward now!


Are we home yet?!

Friday, August 27, 2010

a typical night routine after dinner

Brandon is now taking baths in the regular tub! No more baby bath tub!

But it makes us nervous when he stands! But look at how cute his booty is!
After a bath its play time.. Brandon loves to walk up and down the hallway with his "walker" and "car". If you didn't know, he loves monkeys this is his favorite little guy!

All three of Brandon's favorite toys.. his car, monkey and balloons!

After "walking" we settle down to read. I bought this "Are you Ticklish?" book while pregnant with Brandon and began reading to him while he was in the womb. It is his favorite book! He loves touch and feel books.

Then, its off to bed...with PJ's of course!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A blog not about Brandon!

These veggies were grown in our own backyard! Doug Makes a killer salsa with this!

Friday, August 13, 2010

We are in trouble...

Brandon 1, Child Proof Locks 0

Monday, August 9, 2010

family outting

Today was my last day off of work, Doug decided to take the day off so we could enjoy family time before both of us are working full time. We had a fun filled day and everyone is wiped out! We started our day watching the garbage truck!
Then, Brandon ate a banana for the first time!
We then went to the park!

Brandon took his usual morning nap, then we headed out to Super Franks! Its for kids 8 months to 5 years. Brandon LOVED it so many toys to play with. We'll be back real soon!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Play date

Brandon and Bree have been buddies since Brandon was 6 weeks old, you watch they'll be going to prom together in 17 years from now!