Sunday, July 25, 2010

Going Going Gone!

Brandon decided he didn't want to take his second nap today, so by 7 30 he was beyond tired! I wanted to quickly eat dinner while it was hot, I gave Brandon his bottle, it only took a minute before he was OUT!

one messy dinner

Brandon really wants to feed himself, and will fight to get the spoon from you. Meals, have become so messy, even a bib won't cut it!

Here comes trouble!

Since Brandon began to crawl, he has been wanting to be outside on the cement. We never let him outside because we worry about his knees and toes getting scraped! But, this evening it was cool enough to put on heavy duty cargo pants and shoes that finally fit and he took off!

Friday, July 23, 2010

TEN months old today!

This is what a 10 month old baby boy looks like! Brandon has had a very busy 9th month. He learned to crawl, climb stairs, flush toilets, talk more, eating more solids, and five teeth! We're excited to see what big changes happen during this 10th month! At his last check up last week Brandon weighs 25 pounds!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

cell phone pictures from July

I realized I got some pretty good pictures on my phone and thought I should post them here for you all to see too! first trip to the library

playing in music class

exploring the Tupperware drawer

at the park

being cute

standing tall!
can he watch tv any closer?

more Tupperware pictures

at the fair

sometimes its all smiles in the carseat!

playing in the toy room


CODA you ask? Children of Deaf Adults. That's what these kids are in the picture. Lori and I became close friends through CSUN, she lives in LA and came up to visit us with her two adorable little girls, Lucy(4) and Paige (2). We had a great time playing in the backyard, out for pizza, having frozen yogurt, and going to the Zoo!

Brushing Brandon's Teeth!

Brandon now has 5 teeth! Three on top (with another one ready to break skin) and 2 on bottom. It's time to start brushing his teeth! He didn't love this, but it wasn't horrible either.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Train table

This train table came from Arizona! Big cousin Lucas and Colby had this for years and have given it to Brandon to enjoy too!

On a mission to get in the fireplace!

Thankfully mom and dad were smarter and put the gate up after many chases into the fireplace! He is still trying to get the gate off, he's so strong he probably will soon!

I can stand and play now!

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4, 2010

We spent July 4th with some new friends. Ava was in Brandon's swim class, they just moved here from San Francisco. Their house had a great view of the firework show! We brought over our fire pit and made smores before the show!