Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Swim Lessons

We dunked him!

He loves to "jump" off the ledge into the water

He can hold onto the ledge by himself!

Coach Claire giving tips!


I don't know what to title this! "My cute plummer watching TV"

Thursday, June 24, 2010

NINE months old!

Brandon is now 9 months old! We don't have any recent stats for you, but at his last appointment June 3rd, he was 23 lbs and 29 inches long. He is rolling around all over the place, and hasn't shown any interest in trying to crawl. But can pull himself up to his knees on the couch and TV stand. We dropped his crib down since he was beginning to pull up. We have officially baby proofed the house too. Brandon loves to be naked and roll around, these pictures were taken on his 9th month birthday, yes I know his face is really messy. He just ate and I was getting him ready for swim class!


Brandon struggled alot with his bottom first tooth, once it finally came through, 3 more popped in shortly after. But, instead of the front top two which usually comes in after the bottom center two, he got his fangs! He has 4 teeth now they all came in during his 8th month. You may need to click on the picture to see it bigger to see the teeth! :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Wheels and helping Daddy

We picked up a "used" car for Brandon, he loves going for rides in this, even if its just going out to the driveway to pick up the Sunday paper with Daddy.

First time in the pool!

Today we went to an old basketball teamate of mine's house, she has a little girl 4 days younger than Brandon. It was Brandon's first time in the pool, and guess what, he loved it of course!