Monday, April 26, 2010

Farewell Swing

This week we passed along Brandon's swing. He has clearly outgrown it. It was a great swing to have, we hope the next family enjoys it as much as we did! Below is a picture of Brandon just a few days old in the swing followed by the day we gave it away, my has he grown!

A Beautiful Day Outside


We introduced Brandon to strawberries this weekend, of course he loved them! He is teething, and strawberries seem to help those gums, and keep him cool since it was so warm this weekend! (no teeth yet!)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Toys R Us fun on a rainy day

It was pouring outside, and we felt the need to get out of the house. So we took a field trip to Petco to see the birds, fishes, dogs, and cats. Then we spent way too much time in Toys R Us looking around. Brandon loved every minute of it! It was very entertaining watching Brandon's expressions! We especially liked him in the "cars"!