Thursday, January 28, 2010

Brandon's first hockey game!

Tonight was Brandon's first Sharks game we knew it would either be awesone or a nightmare! And let me tell you, he LOVED it! We bought him headphones, which probably made all the difference. He kept watchig the big TV screen and is probably wondering why we don't have that at home! After the game we chaned him and he was awake the whole ride home! It's now 11:45pm and he is still happy and awake!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

tummy time

Jump Jump

Gotta thank Nano for this awesome Christmas present, today Brandon jump jumped for about 45 minutes. He has his foot work down and his kick back technique and everything. After that, boom, right to sleep.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Brandon found his feet!

Brandon discovered his feet this weekend. Now Diaper changes are way more fun for him! He hasn't quite figured out how to put the toes in his mouth, that'll be next!

this is what Brandon could look like with teeth!

We fed Brandon rice cereal tonight, and made it a bit thicker. The way the cereal was sitting on his gums totally looks like he has teeth! It was so funny, we had to share!

Brandon Rolls Over!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rice cereal keeps the family happy!

This is the second night of rice cereal and believe it or not it went better than the first night, we think Brandon likes it, what do you think?! Last night he slept from 8:30pm to 5:30am! We're hoping for the same results again tonight!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Brandon's new high chair! And holds the bottle!

We brought out the high chair since we have introduced Rice Cereal to Brandon. Feeding Rice Cereal is a two person job so we don't have any pictures yet! But, big news in the Conde house is Brandon can hold the bottle in his mouth and play with it, he isn't actually drinking... yet!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Current Events

Brandon loves his monkey

A toy box is our newest purchase with gift money from Christmas

Bree and Brandon 9 and 15 weeks old!