Monday, December 27, 2010

Brandon's .8 mile WALK, not stroller, not carried, WALK

Today we decided to go to Osage Park and check out the park with his new sand toys then push Brandon in his "car" around the track. Brandon, however, had something different in mind. He had no interest in the park, and wanted to push his car. We passed many people commenting how well he was walking and Brandon smiled and waved at everyone dogs included! The map below shows the park route.

View Brandon's walk in a larger map

Brandon knows the importance of staying hydrated!

and we're off again!

OK, I'm pooped, you can push me the last leg.

Brandon's Cleaning Service

Brandon loves to Vacume and sweep, but really loves to vacume. He always wants to help when we pull out our vacume! He's quite good at it, and understands how it works.. He only charges a bottle of milk per room, call if you want a maid!

Christmas 2010

Early Christmas morning after Santa arrived

Brandon coming down the hall way into the toy room

Check out this baby! A John Deer Tractor!

A toy Kitchen!
Let me make Mom and Dad coffee I got them up early today!

An electirc Toothbrush from Santa!

In our Christmas PJ's

Can I please open this?

My new Cozy Coop from my family in Arizona

Its perfect because I have a gas station to play with it too!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

First Slice of Pizza!

Brandon is a stubborn eater, he much prefers milk than food. Tonight, however, he was really into our pizza and shockingly ate the whole slice! But he had to be on my lap, if that's how he will eat food, we're OK with that! (for now)

Dancing Santa and Snowman

Have you seen these in Target? They're Brandon's FAVORITE toy these days! He plays them all the time, we definitely aren't short on Christmas music in the house! He usually plays both of them simultaneously and dances along with them. Tonight invited his monkey to his little music party on his table.

Christmas Lights

We noticed Brandon was really into Christmas lights on the block and decided to take him to a neighborhood known for all their lights. Brandon really enjoyed it. It was a nice, COLD walk, but good to get out and do something out of our normal routine!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Expecting number 2

We're now announcing to everyone, its official, we're expecting number 2! I'm 13 weeks now, baby will be arriving mid June some time.. It's been a tougher pregnancy being sick and not having the luxury of taking a nap whenever I want! But overall we're thrilled and can't wait for Brandon to be the "Big Brother!"

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Pictures

We tried very hard to get a good picture of Brandon smiling and looking at the camera, but that didn't go so well because of the park, water fall, and ducks!

Brandon and Santa

He was fine when we first put him on Santa's lap, until he looked at Santa...
"Get me outta here!!"
Yep, it didn't go so well!

Saturday, November 27, 2010