Sunday, November 29, 2009

Watch Closely

Here Brandon is playing as he usually does. He grabs his purple giraffe. He tracks it with his eyes, then he swings his arm grasping it with his hand. Notice anything interesting, Grandpa White?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Laughing on the Changing Table

Brandon usually hates diaper changes, but tonight he was in a silly mood!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

New Nikon D5000 Camera

Doug bought me a early birthday present...a new camera! I've been wanting a better camera to capture Brandons cuteness! These were taken Thanksgiving eve.

Brandon is ADORABLE!

Brandon is 9 weeks old now! We took him for his two month appointment with a new Doctor who we like much better, and is closer to home. Brandon tipped the scales at 15 pounds! He has officially doubled his weight, and then some! And the Doctor said he is very healthy!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

my little model

The other night I took Brandon for a walk at an outdoor mall. It was pretty chilly so we went to The Children's Place for a hat. I didn't buy this one, but its so cute on him! This is posted by popular demand.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week 7 video

Here is Brandon hangin with Dad. He is showing off how good he holds his head up.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

it's a day of FIRSTS!

Last night we decided its time to try to have Brandon sleep in his crib. He did great! The bassinet was getting to be too small for him, now he can stretch out and enjoy his space!

We went on a walk this morning with some friends. Brandon got to use his new Jeep stroller for the first time. (thanks to great aunt and uncle Mickey and Lynn and big cousin Lucas and Colby) He stayed awake the whole way, and really seemed to enjoy his new ride despite the cold!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Brandon sits up at 8 weeks old!

OK OK OK so we propped him up on the couch, but he didn't tip over either! He is getting stronger everyday, it won't be long until he can fully support himself! Brandon is now 14.1 pounds at 8 weeks old! He is a big strong eater!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Brandon's Smile

The ever elusive smile is captured on video. This is the fist known footage of this specular rarity.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Play Time

Brandon is starting to hold his head up!

We finally connected our Flip video camera to the blog. Brandon is so much fun and entertaining! Enjoy!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mommy and Brandon at 6 weeks

Brandon's new friend

My friend Jen just had her baby girl Bree, 5 days ago. Today Brandon got to meet her! Could this be a future Mr. and Mrs. Conde??